…..just take a step back.💆‍♀️🔙

This past few days has been one of my darkest moments this year. That feeling of being buried under a lot of crap and you don’t even know how to get out. This semester for me has just been draining: emotionally, mentally,spiritually and even psychologically. Faced with the sad thoughts of being stagnant, personal issues, project wahala, all these coupled with the absence of WiFi in my school🙄. I felt so tired, like time is going and I’m not doing anything with my life and trust me it took the best part of me well just for a while🙂. My heart was soo heavy but I had no tears left to cry, I tried but I just couldn’t get it out and one day when I decided to skip classes🙈, I opened my bible app and just came across this scripture. Joshua 1:9“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not affrighted, neither be thou dismayed: for Jehovah thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

And there came the waterworks😭, I cried soo much in fact I feel like I ran out of my tears but it helped😇. Knowing that God is with me helped and I feel a lot better

So guys, whenever you feel like you are broken, like you are a person in a thousand pieces, just start picking up those pieces little by little and you will realize that what you are making is a mirror and the more pieces you put together, the more you see yourself. A better version of yourself ❤️. Trust me whatever it is you are going through be it in your career, academics, or even personal life: it is a temporary thing, you are not going to be stagnant forever. You are a work in progress.

Although sometimes, you just have to wait, not waiting aimlessly…Be active but wait. Like me, I got overwhelmed with everything I was facing but when I was done with my self pity, I picked up myself and moved on. Wait it out and when you are done dust yourself up.

It’s important to take a break( I skipped classes for a day🤷‍♀️), step back, reevaluate and get inspired again. Just try and be creative ( I used my break to write this blogpost) so create contents and still put yourself out there. Nobody will put a gun to your head for taking a break, if it means going off for a month ( don’t skip classes for a month abeg o😂) . Seriously tho, if that’s how long it will take to get your sanity back then take the break! Me I go on social media breaks like crazy, if I’m not in the mental space to work then sorry but you can’t kill me. I honestly feel if your mind is not right, you can’t create something beautiful.

Also, have some ‘me’ time!!! But make sure you stay in places where you don’t frustrate the grace of God in your life. Trust me it’s just a phase and it will pass just like the Bible says ” this too shall pass” no matter the struggles. May God remove struggles from our lives😩🙏. If you can’t relate to all these, here is a piece of advice, just be there for people. Questions like ‘Are you okay?’ go a long way and maybe if the person is not ready to talk about it, don’t pressure him/ her just be there. If it means crying with the person then cry😊 because sometimes these things cannot be explained you know💔. The devil has his ways of messing with people’s mind but thank God for God😭❤️. Basically just be nice and sensitive to people’s feelings, you never know what they are passing through.

Grateful for my friends that helped me overcome my dark moments, very few I must say but the absolute best!💯 yours can’t beat mine😌yeah I said it😎. If I can go survive all that then baby boo you can. We all can💞, so if you just feel soo tired if everything 🥺…well I gatchuu😉(I will drop my email so you can reach me if you feel comfortable with it of course) . Just like Adekunle Gold said in his song ” call on me if you need somebody to hold” .

Finally, to make complete sense of all my jagons ” EVERY TIME YOU FEEL OVERWHELMED, JUST TAKE A STEP BACK”. Sending y’all thousands of hugs 🤗 and kisses because you deserve it. see you next time, very soon actually 🤫💕

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